The Chinese hwamei or melodious laughingthrush (Garrulax canorus) is a passerine bird of eastern Asia in the Leiothrichidae family. The name "hwamei" comes from the Chinese 画眉 (huà-méi) and means "painted eyebrow" referring to the distinctive marking around the bird's eyes. The species is a popular cagebird because of its attractive song.
It has two subspecies: G. c. canorus, native to mainland Asia, and G. c. owstoni of Hainan Island. The Taiwan hwamei (Leucodioptron taewanum) was formerly considered to be a subspecies of the Chinese hwamei but has recently been split as a separate species. Based on a study of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, Li et al. (2006) suggested that the two species diverged about 1.5 million years ago with the two Chinese hwamei subspecies diverging about 600,000 years ago.

The two were formerly placed in the genus Garrulax with the other laughingthrushes but have recently been moved to a new genus Leucodioptron.

The Chinese hwamei was introduced to Taiwan in large numbers in the 1980s and hybridization with the native Taiwan hwamei is occurring which may threaten the genetic uniqueness of the latter form.
Birds of love is a bird of the genus Agapornis species type of nine (Greece "agape" which means "love" and "ornis" meaning "bird"). They are small birds, between 13 to 17 cm long with a weight of 40 to 60 grams, and social.

Eight of these species from Africa, while species "of birds love the grey head" come from Madagascar. Their name comes from a common behavior observed that a pair of Lovebird will sit adjacent to each other and loving each other. The nature of love birds pair is monogamous in the wild. The average life age they are 10 to 15 know.

These birds including birds Omnivores want to eat different types of food such as Voer, insects, fruits, and grains that is still young. Birds include robin bird wrote sweet(many packed & drink) so in his Providence we should
be careful not to run out of feed and drinking water in its container.

Sounds very melodious and male Robin diligently sounds with the tone of ngerol and nyerecret, while the voice of Robin females only one line krik ... krik ... krik and nyerecet. Robin bird shot noise and the sound roll rough length of a female Robin good birds make bird chirping maste.

The black-winged stilt, common stilt, or pied stilt (Himantopus himantopus) is a widely distributed very long-legged wader in the avocet and stilt family (Recurvirostridae). Opinions differ as to whether the birds treated under the scientific name H. himantopus ought to be treated as a single species and if not, how many species to recognize. The scientific name Himantopus comes from the Greek meaning "strap foot" or "thong foot". Most sources today accept 2–4 species.

Adults are 33–36 cm (13–14 in) long. They have long pink legs, a long thin black bill and are blackish
Bird pekin Robin, many find in the South China region. The characteristics of these birds is quite agile and have a Merry pembawan. The figure of the body of the bird Robin small-sized body length of about 15 cm.

This bird has a very attractive plumage, upper body Plumage is green, yellow neck, chest bottom is colored yellowish-grey colored reddish orange, wing, beak is red Pekin Robin males and females have the same plumage color, only the color yellow and orange feathers on the neck and upper chest on the female looks more dismal when compared to the color of the fur Robin veterinary.

These birds including birds Omnivores want to eat different types of food such as Voer, insects, fruits, and grains that is still young. Birds include robin bird wrote voracious (many packed & drink) so in his Providence we should
The Indian pond heron or paddybird (Ardeola grayii) is a small heron. It is of Old World origins, breeding in southern Iran and east to Pakistan, India, Burma, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. They are widespread and common but can be easily missed when they stalk prey at the edge of small water-bodies or even when they roost close to human habitations. 

They are however distinctive when they take off with bright white wings flashing in contrast to the cryptic streaked olive and brown colours of the body. Their camouflage is so excellent that they can be approached closely before they take to flight, a behaviour which has resulted in folk names and beliefs that the birds are short-sighted or blind.

They appear stocky with a short neck, short thick bill and buff-brown back. In summer, adults have long neck
The scarlet myzomela (Myzomela sanguinolenta) also known as crimson honeyeater, scarlet honeyeater, sanguineous honeyeater or, colloquially, bloodbird, is a small passerine bird of the honeyeater family Meliphagidae native to the east coast of Australia, Indonesia and New Caledonia. It is the smallest honeyeater in Australia. The male is a striking bright red with black wings; the female is entirely brown.


It was originally described as Certhia sanguinolenta by the English ornithologist John Latham in 1801. It is a member of the small genus Myzomela with two other red species, the red-headed myzomela of northern Australia and the cardinal myzomela of Vanuatu, as well as the dusky myzomela. It belongs to the honeyeater family Meliphagidae. 
More recently, DNA analysis has shown honeyeaters to be related to the Pardalotidae, and the Petroicidae (Australian robins) in a large corvid superfamily; some researchers considering all these families in a broadly defined Corvidae.

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