Heron is a term for a bird of the family Ardeidae. This leggy birds, long-necked, and scattered around the world. Birds Cangak and Nankeen Heron family are also included.

Heron bird while flying his neck shaping as the letter "s" and not straightened out, in contrast to the bird from the family of Storks (Ciconiidae) and Ibis (Large) that straightens the neck and draw the kaki-kakinya during flight.

In Malay, the bird of the family Ardeidae Ciconiidae Storks are called and, while in Indonesia the term Crane used for the birds of the family Ciconiidae.

Heron Bird Habitat in wetlands, on the beach or coral reefs. Food in the form of fish, frogs, and invertebrate. Species such as Buffalo Heron (Bubulcus ibis) are insects that are much larger and less dependent on the watery soil.

In 2005, Canada scientist named Dr. Louis Lefebvre announced a method of measuring IQ relating to eating habits. Based on this method, the bird of Egret birds is one of the most clever.

Heron bird classification is having trouble because there are differences of opinion within the grouping of species into two large genera Ardea and Egretta.:

The GenusArdea
  • Great WhiteHeron,the GreatEgret(ArdeaalbaEgrettaalba)
  • Heronwas orsilverHeron(ArdeaintermediaorEgrettaintermedia,Mesophoyxintermedia)
  • Cangaksea orseaCangkak(Ardeasumatrana)
  • Grey heron(Ardea cinerea)
  • GreatBlue Heron(Ardeaherodias)
  • GoliathHeron(Ardeagoliath)
  • CocoiHeron(Ardeacocoi)
  • White-neckedHeronorPacificHeron(Ardeapacifica)
  • Black-headedHeron(Ardeamelanocephala)
  • MadagascarHeron(Ardeahumbloti)
  • White-belliedHeron(Ardeainsignis)
  • RedCangak(Ardea purpurea)
  • PiedHeron(ArdeapicataorEgrettapicata)
  • Swinhoe'sEgretorChineseEgret(ArdeaeulophotesorEgrettaeulophotes)
  • CappedHeron(Pilherodiuspileatus)
  • GreenHeronorGreen-backedHeron(Butoridesvirescens)
  • Kokokansea (ButoridesstriatusstriatusorArdea)
  • Blekokorrice paddyHeron(Ardeolaspeciosa) [needreference]
  • IndianPondHeron(Ardeolagrayii)
  • SquaccoHeron(Ardeolaralloides)
  • ChinesePondHeron(Ardeolabacchus)
  • MadagascarPondHeron(Ardeolaidae)
  • Rufous-belliedHeron(Ardeolarufiventris)
  • BuffaloHeron(BubulcusibisorArdeaibis)
  • LittleegretorHeronsmall silver(EgrettagarzettaorArdeagarzetta)
  • Pacific reef heron(EgrettasacraorArdeasacra)
  • ChineseEgret(Egrettaeulophotes)
  • A snowEgret(Egrettathula)
  • ReddishEgret(Egrettarufescens)
  • SlatyEgret(Egrettavinaceigula)
  • BlackHeron(Egrettaardesiaca)
  • TricoloredHeronorLouisianaHeron(Egrettatricolor)
  • CangakAustralia(EgrettanovaehollandiaeorArdeanovaehollandiae)
  • Little BlueHeron(Egrettacaerulea)
  • Western ReefHeron(Egrettagularis)
  • AgamiHeron(Agamiaagami)
  • Bare-throatedTigerHeron(Tigrisomamexicanum)
  • FasciatedTigerHeron(Tigrisomafasciatum)
  • RufescentTigerHeron(Tigrisomalineatum)
  • White-crestedTigerHeron(Tigriornisleucolophus)
  • New GuineaTigerHeron(Zonerodiusheliosylus)
  • ZigzagHeron(Zebrilusundulatus)
  • WhistlingHeron(Syrigmasibilatrix)
  • NankeennightAbuorNankeenmaling(Nycticoraxnycticorax)
  • Nankeennight-yellow (Nycticoraxviolaceus)
  • White-backedNightHeron(Nycticoraxleuconotus)
  • RodriguesNight-Heron(Nycticoraxmegacephalus) (extinct)
  • Nankeennightred orNankeenMalay (NycticoraxcaledonicusorGorsachiusmelanolophus)
  • White-earedNightHeron(Gorsachiusmagnificus)
  • JapaneseNightHeron(Gorsachiusgoisagi)
  • MalayanNightHeron(Gorsachiusmelanolophus)
The troupial or troupial (Icterus icterus) is a bird belonging to the family of the icterids, native to the AmericasSmall appearance, measuring between 15 and 22 cm, hasthe head and black wings and the rest of the corpus luteumThey can live alone or in couple and their melodious song is very peculiar.

It is the national bird of Venezuela, thus resulting chosen in a contest sponsored bythe Venezuelan society of natural sciences and officially declared on 23 May 1958.

The wompoo fruit dove (Ptilinopus magnificus), also known as wompoo pigeon, is one of the larger fruit doves native to New Guinea and Australia.

This dove measures up to 35 to 45 cm (14 to 18 in), but are generally far smaller in northern regions. It has purple plumage around its neck, chest and upper belly. Its lower belly is yellow and it has green underparts. 

The sexes are similar and the juveniles have a duller and greener plumage compared to adults. Notwithstanding their bright plumage, they are hard to see amongst the forest canopy, thanks to their unobtrusive, quiet habits. Their call sounds like wollack-wa-hoo and often sounds very human.

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